of Tank Storage

    SPSE - Société du Pipeline Sud-Européen

    SPSE - Société du Pipeline Sud-Européen

    SPSE Depot in Fos-sur-Mer

    SPSE Depot in Fos-sur-Mer

    The Société du Pipeline Sud-Européen was incorporated in 1958, to construct and then exploit a pipeline network from Fos in Karlsruhe from a depot located in Fos-sur-Mer so as to supply the refineries and chemical plants to which it is linked for brute oil, intermediary products and chemical loads.

    Primary installations: a storage unit linked to the Fos and Lavera ports, comprising 40 tanks from 40,000 to 100,000 m³ with total storage capacity of  2,260,000 m³ as well as three pipes serving 6 delivery terminals.

    SPSE also operates liquid hydrofuel calibration activities of all debit-metres in the debit range of 150 to 4,000 m³/h, for diameters from 6” to 24” (DN 150 to DN 600) and beyond on request, in the framework of its COFRAC accreditation, as well as calibration activities.

    7-9, rue des Frères Morane
    75738 Paris Cedex 15 - France

    Tel.: +33 1 76 53 61 50
    Fax: +33 1 45 30 04 27

    > Consult the SPSE website

    Other members of the USI

    Bolloré Energy
    CIM-CCMP - Compagnie Industrielle Maritime
    DPA - Docks des Pétroles d’Ambès
    DPF - Dépôts Pétroliers de Fos
    DRPC - Dépôt Rouen Petit-Couronne
    EG Group - Eurogarages
    EPG - Entrepôt Pétrolier de la Gironde
    EPPLN - Entrepôt Pétrolier de Port-la-Nouvelle
    GSM - Géosel Manosque
    RM - Raffinerie du Midi
    Rubis Terminal
    SDLP - Société du Dépôt de La Pallice
    SFDM - Société Française Donges-Metz
    SISP - Sica Atlantique
    SNOI-Service National des Oléoducs Interalliés
    SPMR - Société du Pipeline Méditerranée–Rhône
    STF - Sea Tank France
    Trapil - Société des Transports Pétroliers par Pipeline
    TSSA - Total Storage & Services
    Varo Energy France