of Tank Storage

    TSSA - Total Storage & Services

    TSSA - Total Storage & Services

    La Mède oil depot (DPLM)

    La Mède oil depot (DPLM)

    TSSA Total Storage & Services SA (TSSA) is a Total Group company registered in Geneva, Switzerland, which provides storage and related optimization services (blending, additivation, incorporation).

    TSSA also provides export and reception services by sea, river and/or land (by truck, train or pipeline) at 2 main sites for a total capacity of more than 2.5 million m³:

    • In Dunkirk, at the Opal Coast Oil Depot (DPCO) for the storage of GOM, petrol, GOP and FOD;
    • In La Mède, at the La Mède Petroleum Depot (DPLM), for the storage of gasoline, GOM, FOD and Jet A1.

    Commercial contact: Franck Vial
    General Manager TSSA

    Tel.: + 41 22 710 1745
    Mob.: +41 79 822 8667

    TSSA Total Storage & Services SA
    World Trade Center I
    10, route de l’Aéroport - Case postale 276
    1215 Geneva 15 - Switzerland

    Other members of the USI

    Bolloré Energy
    CIM-CCMP - Compagnie Industrielle Maritime
    DPA - Docks des Pétroles d’Ambès
    DPF - Dépôts Pétroliers de Fos
    DRPC - Dépôt Rouen Petit-Couronne
    EG Group - Eurogarages
    EPG - Entrepôt Pétrolier de la Gironde
    EPPLN - Entrepôt Pétrolier de Port-la-Nouvelle
    GSM - Géosel Manosque
    RM - Raffinerie du Midi
    Rubis Terminal
    SDLP - Société du Dépôt de La Pallice
    SFDM - Société Française Donges-Metz
    SISP - Sica Atlantique
    SNOI-Service National des Oléoducs Interalliés
    SPMR - Société du Pipeline Méditerranée–Rhône
    SPSE - Société du Pipeline Sud-Européen
    STF - Sea Tank France
    Trapil - Société des Transports Pétroliers par Pipeline
    Varo Energy France