The USI in Europe

The USI is one of the seven national industrial associations which constitute the European Federation grouping together, as well as France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, the UK and Spain. Both of the latter associations also cover Ireland for the former, and Portugal for the latter.
Two Turkish companies are associate members: Poliport and Solventas, two Nordic companies: Nordic Storage AB and Scandinavian Tank Storage (Sweden), two companies from Central Europe: OLPP (Poland) and Oil Tanking Hungary (Hungary).
With close to 200 companies, FETSA has annual storage capacity of 85 million cubic metres for 310 terminals.
The primary role of FETSA is to assist the storage industry to be heard by the European authorities and to follow the development of European legislation by rolling out its skills and abilities of its members with a view to constructing effective and applicable regulations.
Alongside the subjects which may have a direct impact on the storage industry, the FETSA closely follows a certain number of themes which have an influence on all storage sectors, such as for instance IPPC-BREF, Seveso, strategic stocks, taxation, quality and security, energy policy, responsibility towards marine pollution, etc.
The FETSA has the status of observer NGO for the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine in Strasbourg and the Economic Commission of the United Nations in Geneva.
Useful links
FETSA / Federation of European Tank Storage Associations :
Concawe / European Petroleum Refiners Association :
ISGINTT / International Safety Guide for Inland Navigation Tank-barges and Terminals :
CEFIC / European Chemical Industry Council :
UFIP / Union Française des Industries Pétrolières (French Union of Oil Industries) :
GESIP / Groupe d’Étude de Sécurité des Industries Pétrolières et Chimiques (Oil and Chemical Industry Security Study Group) :
CPDP / Comité Professionnel du Pétrole (Professional Oil Committee) :
APTH / Formation et Conseil en Sécurité des Transports (Transportation Security Advice and Training) :
CPSSP / Comité Professionnel des Stocks Stratégiques (Strategic Stockage Professional Committee) :
CITEPA / Centre Interprofessionnel Technique d’Études de la Pollution Atmosphérique (Technical Interprofessional Studies on Atmospheric Pollution Centre) :