of Tank Storage

    DPA - Docks des Pétroles d’Ambès

    DPA - Docks des Pétroles d’Ambès

    DPA Depots at Bayon and Ambès

    DPA Depots at Bayon and Ambès

    DPA is an independent oil product storage company.

    The Bassens site, created in 1969, offers the mission of a logistical service provider for various oil product distributors.

    This mission consists of receiving, storage and loading fuel and biofuel for service stations or civil and military aviation. 400 lorries per day on average are loaded heading to the south west, which equates to around 12,000 m³. This distributed volume corresponds to 6% of volume consumed in France. Activities of the DPA represent 3 million M³ of annual outgoings, for all types of fuel.

    DPA Bassens is supplied by two large pipelines (SPBA Ambès and CCMP Pauillac) et and an EMHV pipeline (SAIPOL Bassens).

    DPA operates three depositories: Bassens, Bayon and SPBA in Ambès and has three wharfs for the receipt of vessels.

    Docks des Pétroles d’Ambès
    Avenue des Guerlandes
    33565 Carbon-Blanc Cedex - France

    Tel.: +33 5 56 33 83 56

    > Consult the DPA website

    Other members of the USI

    Bolloré Energy
    CIM-CCMP - Compagnie Industrielle Maritime
    DPF - Dépôts Pétroliers de Fos
    DRPC - Dépôt Rouen Petit-Couronne
    EG Group - Eurogarages
    EPG - Entrepôt Pétrolier de la Gironde
    EPPLN - Entrepôt Pétrolier de Port-la-Nouvelle
    GSM - Géosel Manosque
    RM - Raffinerie du Midi
    Rubis Terminal
    SDLP - Société du Dépôt de La Pallice
    SFDM - Société Française Donges-Metz
    SISP - Sica Atlantique
    SNOI-Service National des Oléoducs Interalliés
    SPMR - Société du Pipeline Méditerranée–Rhône
    SPSE - Société du Pipeline Sud-Européen
    STF - Sea Tank France
    Trapil - Société des Transports Pétroliers par Pipeline
    TSSA - Total Storage & Services
    Varo Energy France