Publication of the summary of the Multi-annual Energy Programme (PPE) by the Ministry for Ecological and Solidarity Transition
June 30th, 2018
The PPE sets out priorities for actions by local authorities in the energy sector so as to achieve the objectives of the energy policy as defined by law. All of the pillars of the energy policy and all energies are dealt with in a single strategy: managing energy supply, managing energy costs, promoting renewable energies, guaranteeing the security of supply and energy independence, etc. This allows for construction of a coherent and complete vision of the position of energies and their desired development in French society.
The PPE is an operational tool which is binding on the local authorities. It outlines measures which will allow France to reduce the carbon footprint of energy to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The coming decade will allow the change to be made which will turn this ambition into a reality. The energy scenario of the PPE is the same as that of the SNBC (national low carbon strategy) for the period covered.
Multi-annual programming for energy was elaborated from June 2017:
June 2017: preparation of elaboration of the adjustment of the PPE for 2018, along with many stakeholders (supervisory board constituted by the National Ecological Transition Council and the Higher Energy Council);
From October 2017 to January 2018: 24 workshops were organised to draft the revised PPE;
From March to June 2018: a public debate was organised by the National Commission for Public Debates.